ARGY-RAKiss & the Dirty Band of Mexicans has two distinct sides to it, and they're worlds apart.
-ARGY-RAKiS - Mark Argerakis, the creator of this project has been putting together his words and music for the last eight years. Initially just for self pleasure, it soon became an escape or possibly a traveling companion.

After travelling across many parts of the globe, Mark settle himself down in Puerto Escondido, Mexico, living in a hut, surfed a lot, wrote a book "A Wandering Derek" and worked on his music. The debut album, "Songs from the End of Time", is the result of living the good, the bad and the ugly.

The Dirty Band of Mexicans - is the cream on top. Good friends and very talented musicians from Mexico City came together to work on this project. They put a lot of love into it and walked away with a lot of satisfaction and good time memories.

Now back in Australia ARGY~RAKIS is performing solo, guitar duets and with a four piece rock outfit. Described as "Dirty Folk Rock" with a grunge tinge at times, it's familiar and fresh.

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