About Akitar

Akitar – born 1978 in the suburbs of Paris, dives full-length into rap during the summer of 1990. Right off the bat – armed with vinyl discs and a rudimentary set-up – he catches the mixing bug. With a titanic jones for recent recordings to feed, he is drawn by hip hop into the world of production, peopled by assorted machines. Inspired first by Public Enemy, to whom he listens non-stop, his nightclubbing activities lead him to discover electronic music: Daft Punk, Ellen Alien, Plaid... Mining this new musical seam, Akitar pursues his passion, blending various influences, drawing mainly upon hip hop, soul, electro and 8bit… Self-taught and single minded, the producer's hat fits him like a glove. Today, with the collectives "Les Gens Qui Vous Veulent Du Bien", "Montreal expose", "obscene.Kidz", and "NSR CREW" he delivers an energetic set that distils a resolutely effective sound that camps out at the frontiers of Club and 8Bit. News of future production projects and current goings-on to follow…. :

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