About bronz

For years and years, sounds have always been important. Usual concepts of music enlights notes and melody but sounds can be as important. So trying to do music without instruments, I first started handling sounds via loops records and mix its in order to create a special mood. Later, playing the guitar and percussions gave me a structurized way of managing sounds. I then starte using electronic instrument, first a simple rythm box,then computer and now a roland groovebox, in addition to accosutics instruments. About almost 20 years after my first experiments, I met the opportunity of engineering sounds for a band during several sessions or little concerts. I know use both my musical and technical knowledge to create a basically electronic music in which the mood taht is generated through the difernts sounds, rythm and breaks is much more important than a real melody. I do believe an real artistic expression is to create mood and feeling instead of reproducing a subjective form of beauty. In that so, each one give is own sensibility and feeling to a artistic expression, and then, art become the reflexion of your own soul.

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