About The Lone Conservative Rocker

After many years of playing the local bars in Duluth Mn such as The Reef, The Runway Bar, The Gopher Bar, Mr D's, Rascals, The Power House Bar, Tyomies in Superior, and many others I decided to give it up and try to write my own music. I started with reorganizing my practice space in the basement to make a studio.
I had been feeling like an outcast due to the high liberal influence in my local area. My thoughts and ideas were not accepted. So I named myself The Lone Conservative Rocker.
Then came the tea parties and I finally had people who shared the common interest of preserving a way of life for my fellow American! I decided to write songs based on this and here we are today. I hope you enjoy some of what I have been enjoying for the last several months. Thanks to ALL! STAY FREE! Support your local Tea Parties... they support you!


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