About fadojoe

I was Born in a small town callede Ipetu-Ijesha area of Osun State in far away NIgeria, Africa, lost my father at an early age of 4 and my Mother at 14yrs old, since then life has been a tough one but God sustains me thruough it all and with Music i get refreshed from early age of life. there is nothing i do that gives me much joy and hope and sattisfaction about life than music, this is my Godgiven talent and gift. and now i want to bring the World together with my SOUL music cos my music appeals to Soul which ever way u belong, good or bad or ugly i sing to your soul and u see the need to show love to someone in a loveless society...I grew up, go to school ,finished University but then Music still rocks my life, while ma mate are going iunto banking and Oil industry, i chose to continue and live inMusic industry,i formed "F" Planet from my name fadojoe which stands for every good thing F stands for and with time i gained popularity in my countyr in the street of lagos with over 50 members, now am in Newyork city, United States and hope to continue to take my music to higher realm .fadojoe is happily married with lovely children..From New-york city... this is fadojoe... No yawa...

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