About Michael and Lori

CBS Evening News for
Thursday, Apr 14, 1988
I am including this headline because this is my testimony. I was stationed on the USS Paul FF 1080. I was walking through the corridor of the USO when that car bomb exploded. I lived through it although others were killed.
I was spared to share worship songs with the world. I love God. He is Amazing and I want to share what he put in my heart with you.

Headline: Italy / Naples Car Bomb
A car bomb exploded outside a USO club in Naples tonight on the second anniversary of a U.S. bombing raid against Libya, killing five persons, including a U.S. Navy enlisted woman, and wounding 17, according to Italian and U.S. officials.
Italian police said the heavy charge went off at about 8 p.m. (2 p.m. EDT), as the United Service Organization club was packed with about 70 U.S. sailors from the recently docked frigate USS Paul. They were throwing a party for their commander. The ship is based in Mayport, Fla.

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